Wednesday, June 02, 2010

I'm Back!

After a writing hiatus, I have decided that this is an ideal time to begin again. Since the autumn of 2008 so much has happened in my life. While I cannot go into it all, let me try to sum it up.

I worked really hard on earning my MBA at American Intercontinental University and graduated in May of 2009. During that time, some things at home suffered and it was a really tough summer. Last fall I decided to quit working in the family company. It was a difficult decision, but my husband and I decided it was the best for our family. I was relieved of a load of responsibility and excited about being a stay-at-home mom for a time while I figured out what to do with my life.

I spent a couple months going through the holidays and feeling blah, probably because of having so much time on my hands (Ds5 was in preschool). DH and I decided we had room to spare in the house and started foster parenting classes through the state. During the 12 weeks of classes, I had a round of doctor's appointments, a surgery and recovery, then it was spring! I have attempted my first garden and learned a lot about how to take care of our farmland.

So, back to present time. School is out so I'm back to full-time motherhood and waiting on that first phone call saying a foster child needs a place to stay. I am learning about natural living - gardening, essential oils and health remedies, safe cleaning products and the like. I have field trips planned each week for my soon-to-be-kindergartner with a good friend of mine and her 2 little ones.

My plan is to write about our summer adventures, and hopefully to soon write about the roller coaster ride of foster parenting. Join me!

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