Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Visitation for Four and More

The past week or so has been a bit of a roller-coaster.  I finally got to the doctor and drank lots of cough medicine and luckily it didn't run out but a day or so before the anitbiotics really started working.  I'm feeling much better now, but last Monday was awful!  I'm so glad to finally be working at more than 75% and looking forward to being back to 100%.

I had to take Goofy to the doctor Tuesday, and he had a round of antibiotics as well.  The surprise was that he should have been on allergy medication this whole time (nearly 2 months now) and no one told me!  No wonder his nose was always running and he got sick from the constant congestion.  Oops....  he's all better now, and I'm glad to not be helping him blow his nose anymore.

Donald caught the stomach virus that's going around our community, and I think little Mickey had a touch of it, and Daisy may have a bit of an ouchy tummy this afternoon.  I sure hope those two don't get it full-blown like Donald, because it was *disgusting*!!  I'm guessing it was the same strain my own son and I had about a month ago, since we're doing fine.

DH + 3 kids + 2 dogs = fun exercise time in beautiful February weather
In between Goofy and Donald's illnesses was the weekend.  My parents came down and met all the new kids, and a good time was had by all.  It was a little crazy and a lot loud, especially since my dad brought his beagle and his foster dog along.  (Foster dog, Lily, was a chihuahua/Jack Russell mix and very skittish, but not nippy.)

Yesterday afternoon, Donald said he was feeling well enough to have his first visit with his mom.  I doubt he would have said otherwise, even if he was in the middle of hanging over the toilet.  Anyway, Donald, DS and I went to the bus stop and picked up the others and headed straight to social services.  Their mom was already in a visit room and the social worker met us promptly (hooray!).  The kids were SO excited!  Goofy, DS and I headed to Wal-Mart to spend our time shopping before heading back.  Again, the social worker had the kids ready to go, so I have not yet met mom.

I won't lie - I'm extremely curious about her, but a little nervous about actually meeting her.  Its so hard to know what to expect because I don't know how much of what the kids say is true, what's exaggerated, and what's completely made up.  I was told the visit went well by the social worker and CASA worker, and the kids played a lot and didn't do a lot of real talking with mom.  CASA worker was a bit surprised by that, but in my experience, that's what usually happens.  The kids get real excited, hugs and kisses, then play until the visits about over, then more hugs and kisses.  More talking goes on when they get a bit older, I think, but these are 4, 5, 6 and 9 (but all "behind" in one way or another).

Now I also was able to speak briefly with Goofy's sw while I was picking up the other kids, and unfortunately, there was no good news.  The aunt and mamaw that live together have been trying to get approved (the same mamaw who wouldn't keep him so he came into foster care).  I thought things were going along well, and the aunt had said the home visit was this week.  The sw did agree with the home visit, but it is more of a formality before the rejection is final.  I was very disappointed and broken-hearted for him last night.  I won't tell him until its final, of course....and hopefully the sw will tell him so I won't have to be the bad guy!

This was another first for me - both the not-meeting Minnie, Mickey, Donald and Daisy's mom for the visit, and for Goofy's relative not being approved.  The sw said she didn't know what would happen with Goofy.  His mom can't have him, dad doesn't want him/can't have him, and this aunt was his only hope :(  Its too early to say they will change the goal to adoption, but it is a possibility now.  So, so sad.

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