Sunday, June 12, 2011

Let the Summer Begin!

This is the beginning of a new week - week 6 with our new foster son (age 3 but birthday tomorrow!) and foster daughter (age 6.5), as well as the second week of summer vacation for FD and my own son.

The honeymoon period was short-lived with these 2, but it was so sugary-sweet that one can't help but fall in love with them. Constant "I love you mama! Hey mom? I love you!" combined with cheeky grins and big hugs will do anyone in. In the weeks since that began, the daily I love you's have slowed down to what I consider a more reasonable amount, and are now combined with several "I don't like my mommy! I want my daddy!" phrases during the little one's time-outs. Of course, when I'm not the one doling out the discipline, the words are reversed and Daddy's the bad guy :)

After my last blog post, it wasn't long before the phone call. We got them the evening of May 4th, and got FD into my son's school (and even in the same classroom!) on the 5th. The preschool's were all full, so FS was stuck with me. I feel like I got to know him REALLY well while the older ones were at school!

But now they are all with me, all day, every day. To preserve my sanity, we are attempting a very loose homeschooling schedule this summer. The lessons are kept short and sweet, with physical activities stuck in-between the mental activities, a la Charlotte Mason's method. Below I'm attempting to paste my interpretation of Ambleside Online's year 0.5, clipped for summer enjoyment.

Summer 2011
Homeschool Routine – Year 0 & 0.5
For DS, age 6.5, FD (foster daughter), age 6.5, FS (foster son), age 4

Breakfast 7am, Dinner between 5-7pm, Bedtime between 8-9pm
Min. Spent
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
memory verse
memory verse
memory verse
memory verse
DVD Bible story
DVD Bible story
DVD Bible story
DVD Bible story
Bible song/dance
Bible song/dance
Bible song/dance
Bible song/dance

Morning routine – dressing and chores, errands and park trips as needed
Nursery Rhyme
Nursery Rhyme
Early Readers
Early Readers

Break as needed – snack, lunch, outdoor play
< 20
Read-aloud by Mom while kids use play-dough, color or draw
Nature Study
Character building?
Artist Study

Lunch, then nap/rest time
30 ea.
Computer time for DS and FD between lunch and dinner
> 4 hrs
Free Time, indoors and out; Snacks

Additional art, handicrafts and swimming will be done in the heat of the afternoon.
Chopin will be played quietly during snacks and meals. Hang 1 Delacroix painting 2 weeks each, discuss twice.
Life skills – each child learns a new chore for a week, then they swap.
Learn all the pledges – US, Christian, Bible.
Memory verses using the method on SCM site.
Spanish – free trial from Speekee, one video a day (repeat for 2-3 days before moving to a new one)
Math – DS has 1st-2nd grade workbook, as well as The Math Page.  FD has summer math assigned from public school.  Work with FS on number recognition, counting.
Poems and Nursery rhymes from Child’s Garden of Verses and Mother Goose.
Penmanship – aim for good, neat handwriting for FD6 & DS6 – one letter a day.  Work with FS4 on his colors and letter recognition.
Early Readers – FD has suggested reading for public school; all are in library summer reading program
Read-alouds – Day 1- Beatrix Potter; Day 2- Winnie-the-Pooh; Day 3- Velveteen Rabbit and other short tales from AO year 0 list; Day 4 – Peter Pan
Nature Study – go for a walk and find something new, identify in field guide.
So there you have it - in its theoretical form. :)  Needless to say, the application of it as written hasn't actually happened yet, but the few things we are doing make for a nice routine.  Between a chiropractic visit, library summer reading program and grocery shopping tomorrow, as well as some time at the neighbors' new pool AND FS's birthday, tomorrow will be counted as this week's field trip day!  Flexibility is key.

1 comment:

  1. Your schedule looks good!! It's funny how even when you are doing things in small chunks the time just seems to fly by.
