Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vacation Bible School, and then...

This week is VBS at my local church.  I volunteered to help with first grade along with 2 other ladies, and it has been a full house!  The downside of high attendance in small rooms is it is really hard to get to know the kids, and in such a short period of time (3 hours a night for 4 nights)!  Only about 25 minutes is spent in our little classroom - the rest of the time is opening/closing sessions with everyone, missions, crafts, gym and snack.  I think I would be enjoying it more if it were in the morning like it used to be - I'm just not at my best past 7pm, LOL. 

(On top of my it messing with my internal clock, I'm having some physical issues that I'm trying to figure out the cause of this week.  I won't go into details, but it is painful and I am not yet sure when it will hit, so pray that I figure out the root cause and get my body "fixed".)

The bright side of VBS, of course, is that some of these children are hearing God's Word for the first time and coming to know him!!  There have been 2 boys give their hearts to Christ that I'm aware of - hopefully, tonight there will be even more!  Plus, I have 3 hours without worrying about my own kids while they get to hang and play with new friends. :)

Friday night is a VBS cookout at City Park where each class will recite a verse they learned this week, and we'll all sing a song or two that we learned and eat a "New York" hot dog, since the theme this year is The Big Apple.  I'm looking forward to that fun!

Saturday morning (EARLY), I will head to my very first homeschooling conference in Louisville!  Babysitters are lined up and I'm going to really enjoy my day - conferences and browsing the exhibit hall and hopefully meeting old and new friends.  So while my husband is helping run our game company's booth at Origins Game Fair in Ohio, I'll be at another conference, probably wondering how well our dice would sell at a Christian Educators conference, LOL.

Everybody have a great weekend!

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